jeudi 7 avril 2016

Existential fallacy

Dear Senator Portman,

Thank you for your e-mail of 25-March, responding to my previous e-mails to you, outlining some of my concerns with your current position of not supporting a vote in the Senate on the President's nominee for the Supreme Court.

The difficulty with your position is that it is obviously only motivated by political considerations so that when you try to defend your position in a manner that attempts to avoid that context, you put forth arguments that are, quite frankly, silly, not factually correct, and ignore the fact that many of your constituents (including myself) are beneficiaries of a great education from the great state universities that we have in Ohio, that taught us to think critically.

Let's have an adult conversation, based on the assumption that both Senators and citizens are intelligent, critical thinkers.

Let's take a look at one of the arguments that you presented in your editorial to the Cincinnati Enquirer in March : Joe Biden.

Really ?

Here's is what my mother used to say to me when I was in grade school :
"If Joe Biden wants to jump off of a cliff, are you going to jump off the cliff with him ?"

Quoting someone else who is on the wrong side of the Constitution in a prior discussion does not validate your position for being on the wrong side of the Constitution in this situation.

Existential fallacies are not at the heart of good decision making processes for good government.

Let's just get to work at the business of efficient government.

Please re-read Article II, Sec 2 of the Constitution, and recall the oath to which you pledged in January of this year, to assess whether your current position is based on correct logic and good judgement ... and then please #doyourjob, or do the honorable thing and resign.

Thank you for considering raising the conversation to an adult level,

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