jeudi 28 avril 2016

Rob-pelgänger ?

Dear Senator Portman,

Thank you for recent e-mail newsletter detailing the energy and passion with which you are serving the citizens of Ohio.

I did receive two e-mails, however, and I was confused about which one came from the real Senator Portman. Can you clarify for me if you are the author of either the first or the second newslettter that I received ?

Extracts from the two different communications are here below.

So, which is it (A) or (B) or (all of the above) ??

(A) On Monday, Portman released the following statement on Tax Day and the introduction of new legislation to better protect taxpayer rights:
“Tax Day this year marks another year where American workers, families, and businesses have been saddled with a complicated, out-of-date tax code.  It serves as a reminder that one of the most pressing issues before Congress is pro-growth tax reform that simplifies our tax code, promotes job creation, and makes America more competitive.  What’s more, many Americans have lost trust in an IRS that has recently targeted conservative groups and failed to be good stewards of taxpayers’ money and our tax laws.     
“In December, I was pleased that President Obama signed into law three common-sense bills that I authored and introduced last tax day, but there is still more work to do.  That is why I am introducing new legislation today that gives taxpayers the ability to appeal to the IRS Office of Appeals and ensures that the IRS can’t farm out audits of private taxpayer information to outside law firms.” 

The Coalition for Effective & Efficient Tax Administration (CEETA), a group that comprises 14 trade associations and taxpayer groups, praised the bill, saying:
“As Americans across the country face their tax filing deadline today, they should take comfort in knowing that Senator Rob Portman once again introduced legislation that will protect their rights against IRS overreach and inappropriate examination practices. The Coalition for Effective & Efficient Tax Administration (CEETA) hails Sen.Portman’s efforts to protect taxpayer rights across a broad spectrum of aggressive IRS audit practices.”

(B) On Monday, Portman released the following statement on National Animal Crackers Day along with the introduction of new legislation to better protect Senators' right-to-not-work privileges :

"Animal Crackers Day this year marks another year where American taxpayers are saddled with unfounded expectations that their elected officials in Congress will execute their Constitutional duties. It serves as a reminder that one of the most pressing issues before the Senate is an anti-partisan operating reform that simplifies our Supreme Court nomination process, promotes completion of constitutionally-mandated responsibilities, and makes the Senate more efficient and accountable.  What’s more, many Americans have lost trust in a Senate that has recently resorted to partisan inactivity and failed to be good stewards of taxpayers’ money and our Constitutional mandates. 
“In March, I was disappointed that President Obama nominated a well-respected judge for appointment to the Supreme Court, consistent with his Article II, Section 2 responsibilities, after I had repeatedly exhorted to him not to do so, so there is still more resistance and stone-walling to do.  That is why I am doing nothing today that gives taxpayers the ability to believe that their elected officials are striving to reduce partisanship in Congress and ensures that the 114th Congress will continue the recent trends and will be the most partisan Congress in US history, and will not fulfill even their most fundamental of Constitutionally mandated responsibilities.” 

The Coalition for an Ineffective & Inefficient Congress (CIIC), a group that comprises 3 Republican Senators and several programmed robots, praised the inactivity, saying:
“As Americans across the country fulfill their expected job duties or face the consequences, they should take comfort in knowing that Senator Rob Portman once again stood down from his responsibilities. The CIIC hails Sen. Portman’s efforts to protect the rights of Senators in the face of a broad spectrum of aggressive disgruntled citizens.”
Please re-read Article II, Sec 2 of the Constitution, and recall the oath to which you pledged in January of this year, to assess whether your current position is based on good judgement and respectful of the responsibilities that you have to the citizens of Ohio ... and then please #doyourjob, or do the honorable thing : resign.


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